Finite difference methods for the wave equation


Prof. Mikael Mortensen, University of Oslo

The wave equation is a partial differential equation (PDE)

\[ \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial t^2} = c^2 \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2}. \]

We will consider the time and space domains: \(t\in[0, T]\), \(x \in [0, L]\).

  • The wave equation is an initial-boundary value problem!
  • Two initial conditions required since two derivatives in time
  • Two boundary conditions required since two derivatives in space
  • The solutions are waves that can be written as \(u(x+ct)\) and \(u(x-ct)\)

Wave solution with different boundary conditions

Boundary conditions

Dirichlet (Fixed end)

\[ u(0, t) = u(L, t) = 0 \]

The wave will be reflected, but \(u\) will change sign. A nonzero Dirichlet condition is also possible, but will not be considered here.

Neumann (Loose end)

\[ \frac{\partial u}{\partial x}(0, t) = \frac{\partial u}{\partial x}(L, t) = 0 \]

The wave will be reflected without change in sign. A nonzero Neumann condition is also possible, but will not be considered here.

Boundary conditions continued

Open boundary (No end)

\[ \frac{\partial u(0, t)}{\partial t} - c \frac{\partial u(0, t)}{\partial x}= 0 \]

\[ \frac{\partial u(L, t)}{\partial t} + c \frac{\partial u(L, t)}{\partial x}=0 \]

The wave will simply pass undisturbed and unreflected through an open boundary.

Periodic boundary (No end)

\[ u(0, t) = u(L, t) \]

The solution repeats itself indefinitely.


The simplest possible discretization is uniform in time and space

\[ t_n = n \Delta t, \quad n = 0, 1, \ldots, N_t \]

\[ x_j = j \Delta x, \quad j = 0, 1, \ldots, N \]

A mesh function in space and time is defined as

\[ u^n_j = u(x_j, t_n) \]

The mesh function has one value at each node in the mesh. For simplicity in later algorithms we will use the vectors

\[ u^n = (u^n_0, u^n_1, \ldots, u^n_N)^T, \]

which is the solution vector at time \(t_n\).

A second order accurate discretization of the wave equation is

\[ \frac{u^{n+1}_j - 2u^n_j + u^{n-1}_j}{\Delta t^2} = c^2 \frac{u^n_{j+1}-2 u^{n}_j + u^n_{j-1}}{\Delta x^2} \]

The finite difference stencil makes use of 5 neighboring points

\[ \frac{u^{n+1}_j - 2u^n_j + u^{n-1}_j}{\Delta t^2} = c^2 \frac{u^n_{j+1}-2 u^{n}_j + u^n_{j-1}}{\Delta x^2} \]

Can only be used for internal points

The finite difference stencil is not used at the spatial boundary

\[ \frac{u^{n+1}_N - 2u^n_N + u^{n-1}_N}{\Delta t^2} = c^2 \frac{\color{red}u^n_{N+1} \color{black} -2 u^{n}_N + u^n_{N-1}}{\Delta x^2} \]

  • Used at the boundary the regular stencil will contain a ghost node
  • But at the boundary we use boundary conditions and do not solve the PDE!

We use a marching method in time

  1. Initialize \(u^0\) and \(u^1\)

  2. for n in range(\(1, N_t-1\)):

    • for j in range(\(1, N-1\)):
      • \(u^{n+1}_j = 2u^n_j - u^{n-1}_j + \left(\frac{c \Delta t}{ \Delta x}\right)^2 (u^{n}_{j+1}-2u^n_{j} + u^n_{j-1})\)

and apply the chosen boundary conditions.

All the indices makes it a bit messy. Lets make use of a differentiation matrix for the spatial dimension! And the Courant (or CFL) number

\[ \overline{c} = \frac{c \Delta t}{\Delta x} \]

Use differentiation matrix to simplify the notation

We define the second differentiation matrix without the scaling \(1/(\Delta x)^2\) such that

\[\small D^{(2)} = \begin{bmatrix} -2 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 1 & -2 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \cdots \\ 0 & 1 & -2 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \cdots \\ \vdots & & & \ddots & & & &\cdots \\ \vdots & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1& -2& 1& 0 \\ \vdots & 0 & 0& 0& 0& 1& -2& 1 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & -2 \\ \end{bmatrix} \]

and thus row \(0 < j < N\) of \(D^{(2)}u^n\) becomes

\[ (D^{(2)}u^n)_j = u^n_{j+1}-2u^n_j+u^n_{j-1} \]

The vectorized marching method becomes

  1. Initialize \(u^0\) and \(u^1\)

  2. for n in range(\(1, N_t-1\)):

    • \(u^{n+1} = 2u^n-u^{n-1} + \underline{c}^2 D^{(2)} u^n\)
    • Apply boundary conditions to \(u^{n+1}_0\) and \(u^{n+1}_N\)
  • The boundary step can often, but not always, be incorporated into the matrix \(D^{(2)}\)
  • Very easy to vectorize using the matrix vector product!

PDE solvers (of time-dependent problems) should use memory carefully


  • At any time we only need to store three vectors: \(u^{n+1}, u^{n}\) and \(u^{n-1}\).
    • Memory requirement = \(3(N+1)\) floating point numbers
  • Storing all time steps requires \((N_t+1) \times (N+1)\) floating point numbers
  • Not a huge problem for our case, but for 2 or 3 spatial dimensions it is very important!

Implementation - A low-memory marching method needs to update solution vectors

  1. Allocate three vectors \(u^{nm1}, u^n, u^{np1}\), representing \(u^{n-1}, u^n, u^{n+1}\).

  2. Initialize \(u^0\) and \(u^1\) by setting \(u^{nm1}=u^0, u^n=u^1\)

  3. for n in range(\(1, N_t-1\)):

    • \(u^{np1} = 2u^n-u^{nm1} + \underline{c}^2 D^{(2)} u^n\)
    • Apply boundary conditions to \(u^{np1}_0\) and \(u^{np1}_N\)
    • Update to next iteration:
      • \(u^{nm1} \gets u^n\)
      • \(u^n \gets u^{np1}\)

In Python

Set up solver

import numpy as np 
from scipy import sparse
import sympy as sp 
x, t = sp.symbols('x,t')
N = 100
Nt = 500 
L = 2
c = 1 # wavespeed
dx = L / N
CFL = 1.0
dt = CFL*dx/c
xj = np.linspace(0, L, N+1)
unm1, un, unp1 = np.zeros((3, N+1))
D2 = sparse.diags([1, -2, 1], [-1, 0, 1], (N+1, N+1))
u0 = sp.exp(-200*(x-L/2+t)**2)

Solve by marching method

unm1[:] = sp.lambdify(x, u0.subs(t, 0))(xj)
un[:] = sp.lambdify(x, u0.subs(t, dt))(xj) 
for n in range(Nt):
  unp1[:] = 2*un - unm1 + CFL**2 * D2 @ un 
  unp1[0] = 0
  unp1[-1] = 0
  unm1[:] = un 
  un[:] = unp1  

Store results at intermediate intervals for plotting

unm1[:] = sp.lambdify(x, u0.subs(t, 0))(xj)
un[:] = sp.lambdify(x, u0.subs(t, dt))(xj) 
plotdata = {0: unm1.copy()}
for n in range(Nt):
  unp1[:] = 2*un - unm1 + CFL**2 * D2 @ un 
  unp1[0] = 0
  unp1[-1] = 0
  unm1[:] = un 
  un[:] = unp1
  if n % 10 == 0:
    plotdata[n] = unp1.copy()

For example every tenth time step. Normally you do not need every time step to get a good animation.

Create animation after the simulation is finished

Animated Image

def animation(data):
  from matplotlib import animation 
  fig, ax = plt.subplots()
  v = np.array(list(data.values()))
  t = np.array(list(data.keys()))
  save_step = t[1]-t[0]
  line, = ax.plot(xj, data[0])
  ax.set_ylim(v.min(), v.max())
  def update(frame):
    return (line,)
  ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig=fig, func=update, frames=len(data), blit=True)'wavemovie.apng', writer='pillow', fps=5) # This animated png opens in a browser 

How to implement the initial conditions?

To initialize a mesh function \(u^0\), we write \[ u^0 = I(x) \]

which represents

\[ u^0_j = I(x_j), \quad \forall \, j=0, 1, \ldots, N \]

u0 = sp.exp(-200*(x-L/2+t)**2) 
unm1[:] = sp.lambdify(x, u0.subs(t, 0))(xj) 

How about the second condition \(\frac{\partial u}{\partial t}(x, 0) = 0\)?

Just like for the vibration equation there are several options. If you have an analytical solution \(I(x, t)\) that is time-dependent you can specify one wave as:

\[ u^1 = I(x, \Delta t) \]

un[:] = sp.lambdify(x, u0.subs(t, dt))(xj) 

If you do not have \(I(x, t)\), then what?

How to fix \(\frac{\partial u}{\partial t}(x, 0) = 0\), option 1

Use a forward difference

\[ \frac{\partial u}{\partial t}(x, 0) \approx \frac{u^1-u^0}{\Delta t}=0, \quad \text{such that} \quad u^1 = u^0 \]

Only first order accurate, but still a possibility.

Use a second order forward difference

\[ \frac{\partial u}{\partial t}(x, 0) \approx \frac{-u^2+4u^1-3u^0}{2 \Delta t}=0, \quad \text{such that} \quad u^1 = \frac{3u^0+u^2}{4} \]

Second order accurate, but implicit. And you get two waves!

How to implement \(\frac{\partial u}{\partial t}(x, 0) = 0\), option 2

Use a second order central differece

\[ \frac{\partial u}{\partial t}(x, 0) = \frac{u^1-u^{-1}}{2 \Delta t}=0, \quad \text{such that} \quad u^1 = u^{-1} \]

and the PDE at \(n=0\)

\[ u^1 = 2u^0 - u^{-1} + \underline{c}^2 D^{(2)}u^{0} \]

Insert for \(u^{-1}=u^1\) to obtain

\[ u^1 = u^0 + \frac{\underline{c}^2}{2} D^{(2)}u^{0} \]

Second order accurate and explicit

How to fix boundary conditions?

We will consider 4 different types of boundary conditions

Dirichlet \(u(0, t)\) and \(u(L, t)\)
Neumann \(\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}(0, t)\) and \(\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}(L, t)\)
Open \(\frac{\partial u}{\partial t}(0, t)-c\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}(0, t) = 0\) and \(\frac{\partial u}{\partial t}(L, t)+c\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}(L, t) = 0\)
Periodic \(u(L, t) = u(0, t)\)


Accounting for boundary conditions very often takes more than 50 % of the lines of code in a PDE solver!

Dirichlet boundary conditions

We need to fix \(u(0, t) = I(0)\) and \(u(L, t) = I(L)\) and start by fixing this at \(t=0\)

\[ u^0_0=I(0) \quad \text{and}\quad u^0_N=I(L) \]

Next, we compute

\[ u^1 = u^0 + \frac{\underline{c}^2}{2} D^{(2)}u^{0} \]

Here, if the first and last rows of \(D^{(2)}\) are set to zero, then \(u^1_0 = u^0_0\) and \(u^1_N=u^0_N\).

Next, for \(n=1, 2, \ldots, N_t-1\)

\[ u^{n+1} = 2u^n-u^{n-1} + \underline{c}^2 D^{(2)} u^n \]

Again, if the first and last rows of \(D^{(2)}\) are zero, then \(u^{n+1}_0 = u^0_0\) and \(u^{n+1}_N=u^0_N\) for all \(n\). The boundary values remain as initially set at \(t=0\).

Dirichlet boundary conditions summary

Set \(u^0=I(x)\) and define a modified differentiation matrix

\[\small \tilde{D}^{(2)} = \begin{bmatrix} \color{red}0 & \color{red}0 & \color{red}0 & \color{red}0 & \color{red}0 & \color{red}0 & \color{red}0 & \color{red}0 \\ 1 & -2 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \cdots \\ 0 & 1 & -2 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \cdots \\ \vdots & & & \ddots & & & &\cdots \\ \vdots & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1& -2& 1& 0 \\ \vdots & 0 & 0& 0& 0& 1& -2& 1 \\ \color{red}0 & \color{red}0 & \color{red}0 & \color{red}0 & \color{red}0 & \color{red}0 & \color{red}0 & \color{red}0 \\ \end{bmatrix} \]

Now boundary conditions will be ok at all time steps simply by:

  1. Initialize \(u^0\) and compute \(u^1 = u^0+\frac{\underline{c}^2}{2}\tilde{D}^{(2)} u^0\). Set \(u^{nm1}=u^0, u^n=u^1\)

  2. for n in range(\(1, N_t-1\)):

    • \(u^{np1} = 2u^n-u^{nm1} + \underline{c}^2 \tilde{D}^{(2)} u^n\)
    • Update to next iteration: \(u^{nm1} = u^n; u^n = u^{np1}\)

Dirichlet boundary conditions summary


It is also possible to do nothing with \(D^{(2)}\) and simply fix the boundary conditions after updating all the internal points

  1. Initialize \(u^{nm1}=u^0\) and compute \(u^n = u^1 = u^0+\frac{\underline{c}^2}{2}{D}^{(2)} u^0\).

  2. Set \(u^{nm1}_0=u^n_0=0\) and \(u^{nm1}_N=u^n_N=0\).

  3. for n in range(\(1, N_t-1\)):

    • \(u^{np1} = 2u^n-u^{nm1} + \underline{c}^2 {D}^{(2)} u^n\)
    • Set \(u^{np1}_0=0\) and \(u^{np1}_N=0\)
    • Update to next iteration: \(u^{nm1} \gets u^n; u^n \gets u^{np1}\)


Regular, unmodified \(D^{(2)}\), where the first and last rows are completely irrelevant.

Neumann boundary conditions

We need to fix \(\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}(0, t) = 0\) and \(\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}(L, t) = 0\). We already have \(u^0=I(x)\).

A second order central scheme at \(x=0\) is using ghost cell at \(j=-1\)

\[ \frac{\partial u}{\partial x}(0, t_n) = \frac{u^{n}_1 - u^n_{-1}}{2 \Delta x} = 0 \rightarrow u^n_{-1} = u^{n}_{1} \]

Use the ghost cell and the PDE to fix the Neumann condition

The PDE at the left hand side \(j=0\) using ghost cell:

\[ u^{n+1}_0 = 2u^{n}_0 - u^{n-1}_0 + \underline{c}^2(u^n_{1}-2u^n_0+u^n_{-1}) \]

Insert for \(u^{n}_{-1}=u^n_{1}\) and obtain

\[ u^{n+1}_0 = 2u^{n}_0 - u^{n-1}_0 + \underline{c}^2(2u^n_{1}-2u^n_0) \]


Second order accurate and explicit. Can be implemented by modifying \(D^{(2)}\)!

Neumann at \(x=L\) is the same

\[ \frac{\partial u}{\partial x}(L, t_n) = \frac{u^{n}_{N+1} - u^n_{N-1}}{2 \Delta x} = 0 \rightarrow u^n_{N+1} = u^{n}_{N-1} \]

The PDE at the right hand side \(j=N\) using ghost cell:

\[ u^{n+1}_N = 2u^{n}_N - u^{n-1}_N + \underline{c}^2(u^n_{N+1}-2u^n_N+u^n_{N-1}) \]

Insert for \(u^{n}_{N+1}=u^n_{N-1}\) and obtain

\[ u^{n+1}_N = 2u^{n}_N - u^{n-1}_N + \underline{c}^2(2u^n_{N-1}-2u^n_N) \]

And for \(n=1\) we similarly get

\[ u^{1}_0 = u^{0}_0 +\frac{\underline{c}^2}{2}(2u^n_{1}-2u^n_0) \quad \text{and} \quad u^{1}_N = u^{0}_N + \frac{\underline{c}^2}{2}(2u^n_{N-1}-2u^n_N) \]

Neumann summary

Set \(u^0=I(x)\) and define a modified differentiation matrix

\[\small \tilde{D}^{(2)} = \begin{bmatrix} \color{red}-2 & \color{red}2 & \color{red}0 & \color{red}0 & \color{red}0 & \color{red}0 & \color{red}0 & \color{red}0 \\ 1 & -2 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \cdots \\ 0 & 1 & -2 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \cdots \\ \vdots & & & \ddots & & & &\cdots \\ \vdots & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1& -2& 1& 0 \\ \vdots & 0 & 0& 0& 0& 1& -2& 1 \\ \color{red}0 & \color{red}0 & \color{red}0 & \color{red}0 & \color{red}0 & \color{red}0 & \color{red}2 & \color{red}-2 \\ \end{bmatrix} \]

Now boundary conditions will be ok at all time steps simply by:

  1. Initialize \(u^0\) and compute \(u^1 = u^0+\frac{\underline{c}^2}{2}\tilde{D}^{(2)} u^0\). Set \(u^{nm1}=u^0, u^n=u^1\)

  2. for n in range(\(1, N_t-1\)):

    • \(u^{np1} = 2u^n-u^{nm1} + \underline{c}^2 \tilde{D}^{(2)} u^n\)
    • Update to next iteration: \(u^{nm1} \gets u^n; u^n \gets u^{np1}\)

Open boundary

The wave simply disappears through the boundary

\[ \frac{\partial u}{\partial t}(0, t) - c \frac{\partial u}{\partial x}(0, t) = 0 \quad \text{and} \quad \frac{\partial u}{\partial t}(L, t) + c \frac{\partial u}{\partial x}(L, t) = 0 \]

As for Neumann there are several ways to implement these boundary conditions. The simplest option is to solve the first order accurate

\[ \frac{u^{n+1}_0-u^{n}_0}{\Delta t} - c \frac{u^n_1-u^{n}_{0}}{\Delta x} = 0 \]

such that

\[ u^{n+1}_0 = u^n_0 + \frac{c \Delta t}{\Delta x}(u^n_1-u^n_0) \]

Second order option

\[ \frac{u^{n+1}_0-u^{n-1}_0}{2\Delta t} - c \frac{-u^n_2+4u^n_1-3u^{n}_{0}}{2 \Delta x} = 0 \]

Solve for the boundary node \(u^{n+1}_0\)

\[ u^{n+1}_0 = u^{n-1}_0 + \frac{c \Delta t}{\Delta x}(-u^n_2+4u^n_1-3u^n_0) \]

Nice option, but difficult to incorporate in the \(D^{(2)}\) matrix, since there is no way to modify the first and last rows of \(D^{(2)}\) such that

\[ u^{n+1}_0 = 2u^n_0-u^{n-1}_0 + \underline{c}^2 (D^{(2)} u^n)_0 \]

Second second order option

Use central, second order scheme

\[ \frac{u^{n+1}_0-u^{n-1}_0}{2\Delta t} - c \frac{u^n_1-u^{n}_{-1}}{2 \Delta x} = 0 \]

and isolate the ghost node \(u^{n}_{-1}\):

\[ \color{red}u^{n}_{-1} \color{black} = u^n_1 - \frac{1}{\underline{c}}(u^{n+1}_0 - u^{n-1}_0) \]

Use regular PDE at the boundary that includes the ghost node:

\[ u^{n+1}_0 = 2u^n_0 - u^{n-1}_0 + \underline{c}^2(u^{n}_1-2u^n_0+\color{red}u^n_{-1}\color{black}) \]

This gives an equation for \(u^{n+1}_0\) that fixes the open boundary condition:

\[ u^{n+1}_0 = 2(1-\underline{c})u^n_0 - \frac{1-\underline{c}}{1+\underline{c}}u^{n-1}_0 + \frac{2 \underline{c}^2}{1+\underline{c}}u^{n_1}_1 \]

Open boundary conditions

Left boundary:

\[ u^{n+1}_0 = 2(1-\underline{c})u^n_0 - \frac{1-\underline{c}}{1+\underline{c}}u^{n-1}_0 + \frac{2 \underline{c}^2}{1+\underline{c}}u^{n_1}_1 \]

Right boundary:

\[ u^{n+1}_N = 2(1-\underline{c})u^n_N - \frac{1-\underline{c}}{1+\underline{c}}u^{n-1}_N + \frac{2 \underline{c}^2}{1+\underline{c}}u^{n_1}_{N-1} \]

Both explicit and second order. But not possible to implement into the matrix such that

\[ u^{n+1} = 2u^n-u^{n-1} + \underline{c}^2 D^{(2)} u^n \]

Implementation open boundaries

  1. Initialize \(u^0\) and compute \(u^1 = u^0+\frac{\underline{c}^2}{2}{D}^{(2)} u^0\). Set \(u^{nm1}=u^0, u^n=u^1\)

  2. for n in range(\(1, N_t-1\)):

    • \(u^{np1} = 2u^n-u^{nm1} + \underline{c}^2 {D}^{(2)} u^n\)
    • \(u^{np1}_0 = 2(1-\underline{c})u^n_0 - \frac{1-\underline{c}}{1+\underline{c}}u^{nm1}_0 + \frac{2 \underline{c}^2}{1+\underline{c}}u^{nm1}_1\)
    • \(u^{np1}_N = 2(1-\underline{c})u^n_N - \frac{1-\underline{c}}{1+\underline{c}}u^{nm1}_N + \frac{2 \underline{c}^2}{1+\underline{c}}u^{nm1}_{N-1}\)
    • Update to next iteration: \(u^{nm1} \gets u^n; u^n \gets u^{np1}\)


There is no need to use a modified \(D^{(2)}\). The two updates of \(u^{np1}_0\) and \(u^{np1}_N\) will overwrite anything computed in the first step.

Periodic boundary conditions

A periodic solution is a solution that is repeating itself indefinitely. For example \(u(x) = \sin(2\pi x)\):

We solve the problem for example for \(x \in [0, 1]\), but the actual solution will be like above, with no boundaries.


A periodic domain is also referred to as a domain with no boundaries.

A periodic mesh in time

\[u(t_N) = u(0) \quad \text{or} \quad u^N = u^0\]


There are only \(N\) unknowns \(u^0, u^1, \ldots, u^{N-1}\) for a mesh with \(N+1\) nodes.

Consider the discretization of \(u''\)

At the left hand side of the domain, the point to the left of \(u^0\) is \(u^{N-1}\)

\[ u''(0) \approx \frac{u^1 - 2u^0 + \color{red}u^{-1}}{h^2} = \frac{u^1 - 2u^0 + \color{red}u^{N-1}}{h^2} \]

At the right hand side of the domain the point to the right of \(u^{N-1}\) is \(u^N=u^0\)

\[ u''(t_{N-1}) \approx \frac{\color{red}u^N \color{black} - 2u^{N-1} + u^{N-2}}{h^2} = \frac{\color{red}u^0 \color{black} - 2u^{N-1} + u^{N-2}}{h^2} \]

Periodic boundary conditions can be implemented in the matrix \(D^{(2)} \in \mathbb{R}^{N+1 \times N+1}\)

\[\small \tilde{D}^{(2)} = \begin{bmatrix} \color{red}-2 & \color{red}1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \color{red}1 & 0 \\ 1 & -2 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \cdots \\ 0 & 1 & -2 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \cdots \\ \vdots & & & \ddots & & & &\cdots \\ \vdots & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1& -2& 1& 0 \\ \vdots & 0 & 0& 0& 0& 1& -2& 1 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & -2 \\ \end{bmatrix} \]

Note that the matrix expects \(\boldsymbol{u} = (u^0, u^1, \ldots, u^{N-1}, u^N)\), even though \(u^0=u^N\). The last row in \(\tilde{D}^{(2)}\) is thus irrelevant, because we wil set \(u^0=u^N\) manually.

Implementation periodic boundaries

  1. Initialize \(u^0\) and compute \(u^1 = u^0+\frac{\underline{c}^2}{2}\tilde{D}^{(2)} u^0\). Set \(u^{nm1}=u^0, u^n=u^1\)

  2. for n in range(1, \(N_t-1\)):

    • \(u^{np1} = 2u^n-u^{nm1} + \underline{c}^2 \tilde{D}^{(2)} u^n\)
    • \(u^{np1}_N = u^{np1}_0\)
    • Update to next iteration: \(u^{nm1} = u^n; u^n = u^{np1}\)

Periodic wave

Properties of the wave equation

\[ \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial t^2} = c^2 \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2} \]

If the initial condition is \(u(x, 0)=I(x)\) and \(\frac{\partial u}{\partial t}(x, 0)=0\), then the solution at \(t>0\) is

\[ u(x, t) = \frac{1}{2}\left( I(x-ct) + I(x+ct)\right) \]

These are two waves - one traveling to the left and the other traveling to the right

If the initial condition \(I(x)=e^{i k x}\), then

\[ u(x, t) = \frac{1}{2} \left(e^{ik(x-ct)} + e^{ik(x+ct)} \right) \]

is a solution

Representation of waves as complex exponentials

If the initial condition is a sum of waves (superposition, each wave is a solution of the wave equation)

\[ I(x) = \sum_{k=0}^K a_k e^{i k x} = \sum_{k=0}^K a_k \left(\cos kx + i \sin kx\right) \]

for some \(K\), then the solution is

\[ u(x, t) = \frac{1}{2}\sum_{k=0}^K a_k \left(e^{ik(x-ct)} + e^{ik(x+ct)}\right) \]

We will analyze one component \(e^{ik(x+ct)} = e^{ikx+ \omega t}\), where \(\omega = kc\) is the frequency in time. This is very similar to the investigation we did for the numerical frequency for the vibration equation.

Assume that the numerical solution is a complex wave

\[ u(x_j, t_n) = u^{n}_j = e^{ik(x_j+\tilde{\omega} t_n)} \]

  • How accurate is \(\tilde{\omega}\) compared to the exact \(\omega=kc\)?
  • What can be concluded about stability?

Note that the solution is a recurrence relation

\[ u^n_j = e^{ikx_j} e^{i\tilde{\omega} n \Delta t} = (e^{i\tilde{\omega} \Delta t})^n e^{ikx_j} \]

with an amplification factor \(A = e^{i\tilde{\omega} \Delta t}\) such that

\[ u^n_j = A^n e^{ikx_j} \]

Numerical dispersion relation

We can find \(\tilde{\omega}\) by inserting for \(e^{ik(x_j+\tilde{\omega}t_n)}\) in the discretized wave equation

\[ \frac{u^{n+1}_j - 2u^n_j + u^{n-1}_j}{\Delta t^2} = c^2 \frac{u^n_{j+1}-2 u^{n}_j + u^n_{j-1}}{\Delta x^2} \]

This is a lot of work, just like it was for the vibration equation. In the end we should get

\[ \tilde{\omega} = \frac{2}{\Delta t} \sin^{-1}\left(C \sin \left(\frac{k \Delta x}{2}\right)\right) \]

where the CFL number is \(C = \frac{c \Delta t}{\Delta x}\)

  • \(\tilde{\omega}(k, c, \Delta x, \Delta t)\) is the numerical dispersion relation
  • \(\omega = kc\) is the exact dispersion relation
  • We can compare the two to investigate numerical accuracy and stability


A simpler approach is to insert for \(u^n_j = A^n e^{ikx_j}\) directly in

\[ \frac{u^{n+1}_j - 2u^n_j + u^{n-1}_j}{\Delta t^2} = c^2 \frac{u^n_{j+1}-2 u^{n}_j + u^n_{j-1}}{\Delta x^2} \]

and solve for \(A\). We get

\[ \frac{\left(A^{n+1} - 2A^n + A^{n-1} \right) e^{ikx_j}}{\Delta t^2} = c^2 A^n \frac{e^{ik(x_j+\Delta x)} - 2e^{ikx_j} + e^{ik(x_j-\Delta x)}}{\Delta x^2} \]

Divide by \(A^ne^{ikx_j}\), multiply by \(\Delta t^2\) and use \(C=c\Delta t/\Delta x\) to get

\[ A -2 + A^{-1} = C^2 (e^{ik \Delta x} - 2 + e^{-ik\Delta x}) \]

continue on next slide


\[ A + A^{-1} = 2 + C^2 (e^{ik \Delta x} - 2 + e^{-ik\Delta x}) \]

Use \(e^{ix}+e^{-ix}=2\cos x\) to obtain

\[ A + A^{-1} = 2 + 2 C^2(\cos k\Delta x - 1) \]

This is a quadratic equation to solve for A. Using \(\beta=2(1+C^2 (\cos(k\Delta x)-1))\) we get that

\[ A = \frac{\beta \pm \sqrt{\beta^2-4}}{2} \]

We see that \(|A| = 1\) for any real numbers \(-2 \le \beta \le 2\).

For all real numbers \(-2 \le \beta \le 2\)

\[ |\beta \pm \sqrt{\beta^2-4}| = 2 \] since \(|\beta \pm \sqrt{\beta^2-4}| = |\beta + i \sqrt{4-\beta^2}| = \sqrt{\beta^2 + 4 - \beta^2} = 2\)

For \(|A| \le 1\) and stability we need \(-2 \le \beta \le 2\) and thus

\[ -2 \le 2(1+C^2(\cos(k\Delta x)-1)) \le 2 \]

Rearrange to get that

\[ -2 \le C^2 (\cos (k\Delta x)-1) \le 0 \]

Since \(\cos(k\Delta x)\) can at worst be \(-1\) we get that the positive real CFL number must be smaller than 1

\[ C \le 1 \]

Hence (since \(C=c\Delta t/\Delta x\)) for stability we require that

\[ \Delta t \le \frac{\Delta x}{c} \]

Test Dirichlet solver using CFL=1.01 vs CFL=1.0

unm1[:] = sp.lambdify(x, u0.subs(t, 0))(xj)
un[:] = sp.lambdify(x, u0.subs(t, dt))(xj) 
plotdata = {0: unm1.copy()}
CFL = 1.01
for n in range(Nt):
  unp1[:] = 2*un - unm1 + CFL**2 * D2 @ un 
  unp1[0] = 0
  unp1[-1] = 0
  unm1[:] = un 
  un[:] = unp1
  if n % 10 == 0:
    plotdata[n] = unp1.copy()